Using the Digest
There are three ways to locate cases using the digest. The first is the search function. Simply insert your search term in the search window, and the digest will locate every use of that term.
The second way to locate cases is through the Digest Topics. Each topic has a comprehensive table of contents. Once you find your legal issue in the table, click on it and you will be taken directly to your cases.
The final way to locate cases is through the Digest Index. When you look up a topic in the Digest Index, you will see an entry such as "C.R. II(E)(2)". Scroll to the top of the Digest Index, and you will find that the abbrevation "C.R." refers to the Civil Rights outline.
Open the Civil Rights outline, and you will see that the table of contents is in outline form. Section II(E)(2) refers to due process in contempt proceedings. Scroll to Section II of the Civil Rights outline, which is the "Right to Due Process". Subsection E in that topic is "Due Process Rights in Specific Situations". Subsection 2 is "Contempt Proceedings." Click on this entry in the table of contents, and you will be taken directly to your cases.
Using the Index, you can alphabetically locate "Civil Rights". Beneath that Index topic, there is a heading for "Due Process". Under that heading, there is an entry for "Contempt Proceedings". That entry directs you to the Civil Rights Digest topic, Section II(E)(2).
Using the Citator
The citator lists every Navajo case in chronological order. In the first column, the legal citation for that case is provided. When you want to trace the citation history of your case, locate your case by citation. In the right column, every case that has ever cited your case is listed. Blue cases are District Court cases. Cases highlighted in red indicate that the case has been overruled.